Major: Biology
Minor: Geoscience
Subjects Tutored: BIO-110
Mikayla is a biology major and geoscience minor graduating in December 2023. She began tutoring in January 2023 in both biology and geoscience. In her free time, she enjoys spending time outside, reading, and hanging out with friends.
Major(s): Psychology
Subjects Tutored: Chinese
Li began working in the Learning Center in the Fall 2023 semester. She enjoys reading, traveling, and exploring the local cuisine.
Major: Biology
Subjects Tutored: Chemistry, Calculus
Peyton Vanada began working for the Learning Center in the Spring of 2022. Peyton is a Biology majorwith minors in Mathematics and Chemistry. She plans of pursuing a career in Botany! In her free time, she loves to explore the coffee shops around Raleigh.
Major(s): Economics and Mathematics
Subjects Tutored: Economics, Italian, Calculus 1
Tristan began working in the learning center in the Spring 2023 semester. In their free time, they enjoy studying languages, listening to music, drawing, and knitting.
Major: Business Administration
Subject Tutored: Spanish
Lizzy Began working in the Learning Center in the Fall 2023 semester. She enjoys reading, hockey, and funny movies.
Major: International Studies
Subjects Tutored: History, French, Political Science, and Writing
Elise began working in the Learning Center Fall of 2023. She's a junior and is majoring in International Studies on a Pre-Law track. She enjoys playing piano, lifting weights, and spending time outdoors by hiking.
Major: Social Work, Psychology
Subjects Tutored: English, Spanish, Psychology, Social Work
Major(s): EE and Math
Subjects Tutored: Calculus 1 & 2, General Chemistry 1
Ana joined the Learning Center team during the Fall 2023 semester, bringing her passion for all things math, problem-solving, and technology to the table. These interests seamlessly blend with her double major in electrical engineering and mathematics. Ana's enthusiasm extends to exploring even the tiniest of concepts and forging connections between newfound knowledge and existing facts. She's on a mission to make learning not only educational but also exciting!
Major: Computer Science
Subjects Tutored: Statistics, Computer Science, Chemistry
Majors: Biology, Public Health
Subjects Tutored: Biology, Chemistry I and II, Statistics
Sophie began working in the learning center in the Spring 2023 semester. She is a biology and public health double major with hopes of attending graduate school for marine microbiology and plays lacrosse for the Meredith College lacrosse team.
Majors: Computer Science, Math
Subjects Tutored: French, Math, Computer Science
Nafissa began working in the Learning Center in the Summer 2022 semester. She enjoys going on long walks, learning about new cultures, and eating fried plantains.
Major: Biology
Subjects Tutored: Chemistry, Spanish, and Biology
Emily started working in the Learning Center in the Summer 2022 semester. She enjoys reading, pilates, video games, and cooking. She also loves animals and has two cats and a dog.
Major: Dual Degree Engineering - Mathematics and Electrical Engineering
Subjects Tutored: Calculus 1, 2, & 3, Statistics, Physics 1 & 2 (General and College)
Major: Business Administration (Accounting Concentration)
Minor: Web Development
Subjects Tutored: ACC-220, ACC-221, Spanish
Yoselin began working at the Learning Center in the Fall '22 semester. She enjoys reading, sketching, long nature walks, and strength training.
Major: Computer Science
Minor: Data Science
Subjects Tutored: ENG-111, ENG-200
Wanjiru began working in the Learning Center in the fall 2021 semester. Outside class, she enjoys cooking, baking, and travelling. Since she came to the US in 2021, Wanjiru has visited 12 states and has taken an international trip to Italy through the Meredith 2023 spring break study abroad program.
Major: Interior Design
Minor: Studio Art
Subjects Tutored: ID-248, ID-342
Majors: Biology, Chemistry
Minor: Psychology
Subjects Tutored: BIO-110 General Biology, BIO-251 Cell Biology, CHE-222 Organic Chemistry, PHY-212 General Physics
Major: Business Administration (Accounting Concentration)
Minor: Finance
Subjects Tutored: ACC-220, BUS-250, BUS-305, MAT-175, ITA-101, ITA-102, Writing
Madison began working in the Learning Center in the Spring 2022 semester. She enjoys baking sweet treats for others, reading different genres of books, and being involved in the traditions at Meredith with her friends.
Major: Spanish
Subjects Tutored: Spanish
Laura started working in the Learning Center in the Spring 2023 semester. She likes listening to 70s rock, getting boba, and having movie nights with friends.
Majors: Chemistry, Chemical Engineering
Subjects Tutored: Writing, Chemistry
Kendall began working in the Learning Center during the virtual days of Spring 2021. She enjoys painting and reading fantasy novels, as well as searching for the latest plants to add to her growing greenhouse.
Majors: Chemistry, Biology
Subjects Tutored: Writing, CHE-111, CHE-141, CHE-112, CHE-142, MAT-191, CHE-221, CHE-241, PHY-211, PHY-241
Kate began working in the Learning Center in the Fall 2021 semester. She enjoys reading, traveling, baking, listening to music/audiobooks, and playing field hockey.
Majors: Social Work, Psychology
Subjects Tutored: ITA-101, PSY-100, PSY-320, PSY-326, Research
Josey began working in the Learning Center in the Spring of 2023. She spends her time working on embroidery projects, playing video games, and just spending time in nature.
Majors: History, International Studies
Minor: English
Subjects Tutored: HIS-102, HIS-103, HIS-214, HIS-215, Research
Jordan started working in the Learning Center the Spring of 2023. She enjoys reading literary fiction and non-fiction surrounding history, politics, and gender.
Major: Biology
Minor: Chemical Physics
Subjects Tutored: MAT-181
Major: Chemistry
Minors: Math, Biology
Subjects Tutored: CHE-111, CHE-112, MAT-191, MAT-212
Major: Spanish (Professional Spanish Concentration), Sociology
Subjects Tutored: SPA-100 level courses, SPA-200 level courses
Georgia began working in the Learning Center in the Spring 2023 semester. She enjoys baking, cooking, listening to music, hanging out with friends, learning new things, and immersing herself in the Spanish language.
Majors: Psychology, Communication (Interpersonal and Public Relations Concentrations)
Subjects Tutored: Writing, Research, PSY-100, Communication
Freya began in the Learning Center in Fall of 2022. She is a Senior in the Class of 2024 studying Psychology and Communication, with communication concentrations in Interpersonal Communication and Public Relations. When she's not at work, Freya loves participating in Meredith traditions, spending time with friends, and coloring!
Majors: English, Psychology
Subjects Tutored: Writing, Research, PSY-100
Constance began tutoring at the Learning Center in the Spring of 2022. She enjoys listening to music, solving puzzles, and storytelling.
Major: English
Minors: Professional Writing, Dance
Subjects Tutored: Writing
Cady began her work as a writing and research tutor at the Learning Center during the Spring 2023 semester. In addition to her work in the Learning Center, Cady dances and performs with various clubs and companies at Meredith, and in her free time, she loves to read and explore Raleigh with her friends.
Majors: Business Administration, Economics
Minors: Finance, Marketing
Subjects Tutored: Microeconomics
Atiqua began working as a tutor in Spring 2023. Atiqua enjoys reading, going to the gym, and exploring new places around Raleigh.
Major: Theatre with a K-12 Licensure
Subjects Tutored: Writing, Research, Study Skills
Annalee is a junior majoring in Theatre with K-12 teaching licensure. She has been working in the Learning Center since Fall 2022 and enjoys playing the ukulele, listening to Taylor Swift, and spending time with her four cats.
Major: Psychology
Minors: Biology, Chemistry, Public Health
Subjects Tutored: PSY-100, CHE-111, CHE-112, CHE-221, MAT-175, MAT-191, BIO-110, BIO-251, Research, Writing
Lexi started working in the Learning Center in the Spring of 2022. Outside of tutoring, she loves to read, practice guitar, explore new places, and spend time with loved ones.
The Learning Center provides one-on-one, small group, and embedded peer tutoring for Meredith students. Our four most popular subject areas are writing (for all contents at all levels), world languages, mathematics, and chemistry. We want to support your students. Please consider embedding a tutor and/or recommending to your classes that they use our services if we already have tutors who are trained to work with your students.
The Learning Center operates in partnership with the faculty. Students are much more likely to make an appointment with a tutor when a faculty member has recommended it; thus, without faculty support, the Learning Center would not be able to do the work that it does. We appreciate the opportunity to supplement instruction with our one-on-one and small group tutoring sessions!
In 2019-2020, the Learning Center began a content-area liaison program for the four highest-demand content areas: writing, math (calculus and statistics), chemistry, and world languages. Content-area liaisons help to keep the academic departments informed of Learning Center activity and provide initial and ongoing professional development for tutors in that area. Our liaisons are:
Writing: Jayme Ringleb
Math: Julie Kolb
Chemistry: Jessica Thorpe
World Languages: Kevin Hunt
Please feel free to reach out to your liaison if you have questions or concerns about tutoring in one of these areas. Of course, regardless of content area, the Learning Center desires partnerships with all faculty. If you would like to share ideas or ask questions about the Learning Center, please email Tina Romanelli.
Embedded tutoring is one service offered by the Meredith College Learning Center for students. Faculty, students, and tutors benefit from the opportunity to have an embedded tutor because it builds an academic community at Meredith College. The goals of embedded tutoring align with the mission and values of the Learning Center.
Goals of Embedded Tutoring
Embedded tutoring seeks to locate tutors and tutoring services where the students are. This proximity allows us to strive for the following goals:
Definition of Embedded Tutoring
At Meredith College, embedded tutoring refers to trained Learning Center tutors being added to Brightspace, our learning management system. The tutor is there to build relationships with ALL members of the class, promote individual tutoring services, and offer course-specific assistance, such as workshops, review sessions, or drop-in hours. Tutors are encouraged to attend class at least once in the semester to introduce themselves and explain their role; however, it is possible to embed one or more tutors in a class who have conflicts during the actual class time. All tutors who are embedded have been recommended by faculty in that discipline. They may have taken the class at Meredith; however, they may have demonstrated credentials from other classes or institutions.
In collaboration with the professor, embedded tutors may:
Embedded tutors should NOT:
Tutors are PAID for all time that they spend working on communicating with students, attending class or preparing videos for class, preparing materials for workshops or reviews, and facilitating workshops or reviews.
(Note - Right now, the budget allows for tutors to spend around three hours a week on embedded tutoring ON AVERAGE. Some weeks, tutors might spend five hours; other weeks, they might not have any embedded tutoring duties for that class.)
If we don’t have a tutor in your area and you feel your students would benefit from peer tutoring, please feel free to contact the director to discuss the possibility. We want to make sure that all the tutors we train have the opportunity to use their skills once they have been trained.
The Learning Center has a twice-per-year hiring cycle for new peer tutors. We solicit applications and recommendations, primarily through our faculty liaisons, in September and in February. Students who are interested in tutoring are required to complete three steps:
Once students have completed these three steps, they are eligible to be enrolled in IDS 155: Tutor Training, a one-credit-hour course in peer learning pedagogy and best practices in tutoring. The students who would like to tutor work with the director to find a time to hold the course synchronously. The course is generally held in the evenings for two or three hours for between three and six weeks, but many other options are possible. Once students are enrolled in the course, they become tutors-in-training.
The Meredith College Learning Center is a College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA) certified tutor training program. The tutor training course (IDS: 155) runs once per semester and provides one hour of credit to students who successfully complete the course requirements.
It is required for tutors-in-training to earn an A in the course in order to become tutors the following semester. Once the course and all coursework is completed, tutors may begin work in the Learning Center. Tutors are not paid for taking the credit-bearing course; however, they are paid for any and all work they do for the Learning Center outside of course requirements and after the course is completed. Current tutors may attend the training course for additional pay. Thus far, we do not offer a second level of the tutor training course.
Please consider perusing the list of current tutors to see if you can recommend any tutors for an additional subject area using this form.
The following chart provides more information about these sessions.
The four subject areas with the largest demand are writing, chemistry, mathematics, and world languages.