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About the Library

Monetary Gifts to the Library

There are several ways to make a financial gift to the library:

  • By check: Send your check payable to Carlyle Campbell Library to: Campbell Library, Meredith College, 3800 Hillsborough St., Raleigh, NC 27607.
  • By credit card: Go to Meredith's Online Gift page. Under designation select Other, then Library.
  • Friends of the Library Endowment: Go to the Friends Membership and Gifts page. Scroll down to Make a Gift to the Friends Endowment.

If you wish to make a contribution through other channels, please contact Laura Davidson, Dean of the Library directly at or 919-760-8380.

Gift of Books and Other Materials

Questions about donating books or other materials? Contact  Carrie Nichols, 919-760-8047,

Gift Acceptance Policy
This page is about gifts of books and other library materials. For information about monetary gifts to the library, see the Friends of the Library page.

The Carlyle Campbell Library has derived great benefit from the generosity of its friends and patrons. The following guidelines describe current procedures for making donations to the library:

Gift Agreement

Each donor is asked to sign a Carlyle Campbell Library gift agreement form indicating his/her understanding that

  • The library has full ownership of the gift, including the right of copyright to manuscript materials.
  • A bookplate giving the donor's name or the name of an individual in whose honor or memory the material is given may be placed in the material if a donor wishes.
  • The decision to add gift materials to the library collections are made following the same guidelines as those governing the purchase of materials. The library reserves the right to dispose of duplicate and unneeded materials as appropriate, if the donor does not request the return of unneeded materials.
  • Gift materials are processed into the collection, housed, circulated, and withdrawn from the collection in the same manner as materials purchased by the library. (Materials added to the archives are processed and stored according to accepted methods of archival management and do not circulate.) 


In order to protect both the donor and Meredith College, the library cannot provide appraisals because the library is an interested party.  

  • The appraisal of a gift for tax purposes is the responsibility of the donor.
  • The cost of such an appraisal is borne by the donor.
  • The library may, upon request, provide the names of professional appraisers.  (Contact Carrie Nichols (919)760-8047 or for more information.) 
  • The library's acceptance of a gift which has been appraised by a professional book or manuscript dealer does not imply that the library officially approves the appraisal.

Types of materials accepted as gifts

Due to changing technologies and limits on space, certain types of materials are only accepted under special circumstances. ALL gifts must be approved by the library before arranging to bring or send materials.

       Material Types that are accepted
  • Books
  • DVDs
  • Compact discs (musical)
  • Compact discs (spoken word)
  • Printed music
  • Archival materials related to Meredith College
  Material types requiring special approval for acceptance
  • Audiotapes
  • 12 inch laser discs
  • 33 1/3, 45, or 78 rpm records
  • In languages other than English, French, or Spanish
  • Magazines/journals
  • Items in poor condition
  • Items with extensive underlining/highlighting
  • Items with mold or evidence of insect infestation
  • Textbooks more than 5 years old


Any exceptions to these policies must be approved in writing by Carrie Nichols, Interim Co-Dean of Library Information Services. 
For more information, contact us at (919)760-8047 or

The donation process

  1. Donor contacts library (Carrie Nichols (919)760-8047 or
  2. Library approves donation.
  3. Donation either brought to library or picked up by library staff. Gift agreement completed by donor at time of transfer.
  4. Donor receives acknowledgement letter from library dean (1-2 weeks).
  5. Donor receives acknowledgement letter from college Division of Institutional Advancement. This letter is usable for tax purposes.

Gifts to the College Archives

Mission Statement

Meredith College Archives preserves in a formal archival program the history of the College by collecting, processing, conserving, and providing access to institutional records and other historically valuable material of the College. The material in Meredith College Archives supports the research needs of Meredith students, faculty, staff and alumnae.

How to Donate

Donors should contact the Director of Archives at or 919-760-8047 before arranging to bring or send materials.

Gift Agreement Form

Please include the signed gift agreement with your donation so that you can receive formal acknowledgement. A copy of the gift agreement form is available here.

Collection Development Policy

The collection policy serves as a guideline for the selection, acquisition, and retention of archival resources in a variety of formats, including but not limited to print, non-print, electronic media, realia, and ephemera. The Archives, which is the official repository for institutional records of Meredith College and other historically valuable information, accepts:

  1. Primary source material about the College
  2. Resources on student life and experience
  3. Information about Meredith’s Baptist heritage
  4. Publications by people associated with the College
  5. College publications
  6. Photographs, scrapbooks, memorabilia, videos, jewelry, clothing, and oral history

Duplicate materials, unsupported formats, and other items that do not reflect Meredith College Archives collection policy may not be accepted or may be deaccessioned by the Dean of the Library or the Director of Archives . Decisions about accepting any material, including in the above categories, are the responsibility of the Director of Archives and the Dean of the Library.

Meredith College Archives also acquires materials by gift or other legal transaction that transfers title to the Archives. Meredith College Archives does not accept material that is closed to public access in perpetuity, and ordinarily will not accept material that is closed for any period of time.