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Governor's School East: For GSE Faculty


This page contains information about our library's services and resources that is specifically geared to GSE faculty.

If you have any questions, visit our main service desk or use the Chat with a Librarian button at top right during regular business hours.

Reserving rooms

The library has some spaces that you may reserve to meet with your students, if you want them to be able to access the library's physical collections.

  • The Freeman Room (003, on the Lower Level) is a classroom with an instructor's workstation, projector, whiteboards, and student tables/chairs on casters.
  • The Blue Study Room (206, on the 2nd Floor) can accommodate 10 people. It is equipped with an LCD monitor that you can plug a laptop into.

To reserve either of these, email or use our Chat with a Librarian service.

There are also open areas with large tables on the Main Floor and Lower Level where groups can assemble without a reservation.


Our librarians are available to provide instructional support for any research assignments you give your students.  This could include visiting your class to teach them about how to effectively use our library's resources in your subject area, or meeting with students either individually or in teams to help them with their research.

Contact a librarian via or "Chat with a Librarian" (at top right of the website) to either discuss your assignment's needs, or schedule an instructional session. 

To see the research resources we offer in your subject area, consult the Research Guide for that subject.

Borrowing materials

Governor’s School faculty and staff may check out most library materials until the last week of the session. One exception is that videos can only be loaned for one week. Note that the final due date for students will be one week before the end of the Governor's School session.

A valid Governor's School ID card must be presented to check out materials, including reserve items. Materials must be renewed in the library.

Reference books and periodicals do not circulate out of the library building unless special permission is given by a staff member.

Charges for lost items will be assessed. 

Creating a reserve collection for your students

If there are library materials that you want all your students to access, you may wish to place those items on Reserve.  The Reserve collection is shelved by call number behind the Circulation Desk. Items that can be placed on reserve include library books, but also personal copies of books, folders of materials, DVDs, and CDs.  Depending on the type of reserve requested, these items may either be checked out for 3 hours use within the building, 24 hours, or up to 3 days.

To request that materials be added to Reserves for your class, please fill out this online Reserve Request form.  Enter GSE as the "Course Number."  Please allow at least 2 work days for the materials to become available on the Reserves shelf.

Media Services policies for faculty

AV equipment is an important part of the teaching/learning environment at Meredith.  Technology for the classroom is an expensive resource.   All users must use equipment properly and carefully and must be mindful of equipment security while they are using such equipment.

Media Services is located in the Carlyle Campbell Library and may be reached by calling 760-8444.

Borrowing AV equipment from the AV pool in the library

Governor’s School faculty may borrow circulating Media Services audiovisual equipment from the AV pool for on-campus use.  

The procedures for regular check-out of AV equipment are as follows:

  • Equipment must be reserved in person at Media Services during regular Media Services summer hours.
  • When reserving equipment, Governor’s School faculty must identify themselves as Governor’s School faculty and should present their Meredith ID card.  The reservation slip should include a local campus address and local campus phone number.  If another individual will be picking up the equipment, or if another individual will be using the equipment, this should be noted on the reservation form.
  • Media Services staff will create a reservation slip for Governor’s School faculty users. The slip will indicate check out date and time and return date and time.
  • At the designated time, equipment booked for Governor’s School faculty users will be set out at the Media Services counter for pick up during regular library hours. 
  • Borrowed equipment should be returned to the Media Services counter during regular library hours.
  • Governor’s School faculty are responsible for pick up and prompt return of all borrowed equipment and accessories.  Media Services does not provide delivery or pick up service.
  • Borrowers and/or the Governor’s School are responsible for reimbursing Meredith College for any loss or damage of equipment while in a Governor’s School user's possession, normal wear and tear excepted. 
  • Users should never leave AV equipment unattended, should never allow untrained users to use AV equipment, and should never attempt to alter the normal functioning of any piece of AV equipment
  • All use of Meredith College's AV equipment must be in strict compliance with current copyright laws.  This includes public performances of films and videos.  Ensuring the Governors School's compliance with copyright laws is, of necessity, the sole responsibility of Governor’s School staff.  Governor’s School staff are strongly encouraged to become familiar with copyright laws as they pertain to the Governor’s School program.
  • Failure to abide by the above stated policies for Governor’s School faculty will jeopardize a user's privilege of using Meredith audiovisual resources. 

Using AV equipment assigned to classrooms, auditoriums, and other  campus spaces 

Many pieces of AV equipment are permanently assigned to classrooms, auditoriums, and other spaces on campus.  Governor’s School faculty should respect these assignments and not move equipment from room to room without permission.  All equipment must be used responsibly.

  • Users and/or the Governor’s School are responsible for any loss or damage of any such audiovisual equipment while in a Governor’s School user's possession, normal wear and tear excepted. 
  • Users should never leave AV equipment unattended, should never allow untrained users to use AV equipment, and should never attempt to alter the normal functioning of any piece of AV equipment.
  • For reasons of safety and economy, Governor’s School faculty are encouraged to make sure equipment is properly turned off when it is no longer being used. This is very important for all video and data projectors. Users of such projectors must learn the proper shutdown procedures by calling Media Services (760-8444), or they will risk losing the privilege of using these resources.
  • Governor’s School faculty are encouraged to help secure Meredith’s audiovisual equipment by locking rooms that are not being used whenever possible and appropriate.
  • All use of Meredith College's AV equipment must be in strict compliance with current copyright laws.  This includes public performances of films and videos.  Ensuring the Governors School's compliance with copyright laws is, of necessity, the sole responsibility of Governor’s School staff.  Governor’s School staff are strongly encouraged to become familiar with copyright laws as they pertain to the Governor’s School program.
  • Failure to abide by the above stated policies for Governor’s School faculty will jeopardize a user's privilege of using Meredith audiovisual resources.  Please report equipment problems promptly to Media Services (760-8444).