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New Login

Happy Holidays from the Library!

As we all prepare to leave for the holiday break, we wanted to update you on some changes that you may encounter when trying to access library materials while you are away from campus. During the Holiday break we will be changing the login that you use to access library materials from off campus. Currently, when prompted to login, you use your “Last name and Meredith ID number” but during the break we will be moving toward using the MyMeredith login. So, if you attempt to access library resources over the break and are directed to the page below, please login using your MyMeredith login


                                  Screen capture of the New Login Screen


If you are not directed to this pageyou would use your last name and Meredith ID number login.  This is a large project and resources will gradually transition to the new login.  We plan to have all resources transitioned before the start of the Spring semester.

If you encounter problems during the Holiday break, please contact the library using this form and we will contact you as soon as possible.