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Cornhuskin' Gallery

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Image of 1991 Cornhuskin' parade proceeding along a campus road.

Cornhuskin' History

In November 2022, Dr. Daniel Fountain presented on the history of corn husking and shucking events in the southern United States at a De-Lux Brunch event hosted by the School of Arts and Humanities and the Black Student Union. View that presentation here. (Meredith NetID log in required.)

Cornhuskin' is now one of the most elaborate and familiar of Meredith's traditions, yet one of the most mysterious. When it is mentioned or new students ask about it, they hear the infamous line, "You'll just have to experience it." While few freshmen know much about it, even fewer people know the history behind this competition of the classes.

The first Cornhuskin' was held on October 30, 1945. It was started by Ms. Doris Peterson, Associate Professor in the Physical Education Department, and was sponsored by the Meredith Recreation Association (MRA). Because the first Cornhuskin' was held the day before Halloween, in its early years it had Halloween themes and was considered a Halloween/fall celebration as well as a way to honor the freshmen. For the first decade or so, it was called the Corn Huskin' Bee. Ms. Peterson chose the name because in the Midwest, where she was from, such events are called husking bees, not shucking bees. The evening's events started at dinner, where the students arrived dressed as hillbilly couples. A prize was awarded for the best costumes. After dinner, the students moved outside for more activities in front of the dining hall. One of the first activities was folk dances, on which Ms. Peterson was an authority. Chicken and hog calling, three-legged races, and a parade were other events in the first celebration. According to Ms. Carolyn Robinson, the present College historian and member of the class of 1950, the president of the college usually won the hog calling and corn husking competitions in the early years. In 1946, the celebration was repeated and the music and dance departments collaborated on a performance of the folksong "Swing the Shining Sickle," which became a traditional song. In 1949, the now traditional "Tall Tale" contest was added.

Ms. Peterson's Corn Huskin' Bee became a favorite, and in 1951, the after-dinner activities moved to Jones auditorium. During the fifties, several different contests replaced the chicken and hog calling competitions. In 1957, participants tried a pie-eating contest and a cow-milking contest (the students had to create their own cow). The next year these ideas were dropped in favor of a hula-hooping contest, and in 1959, a doughnut-eating contest was added where the doughnuts were suspended by string and had to be caught and eaten using only the participant's mouth. It was not until 1960 that the now familiar apple-bobbing contest began. In 1964, judges began awarding points for class participation. The winning class received a giant pumpkin and the fun of gloating over the other classes. In 1961 the word "Bee" was dropped and the remaining words were combined to form "Cornhuskin."

Other traditional Cornhuskin' events have included water-fights and pranks in the dorms. In 1976 such activities were banned due to over-zealous students, and a reprimand was read during the evening's events. Dr. Jean Jackson, class of 1975 and class president her freshman year, recalls being kidnapped during her first Cornhuskin'. Several sophomores grabbed her and slammed her up against a vending machine in one of the dorms. Other destructive activities included pouring salt into stereo systems and taking the harmless water fights to a dangerous level. Students stood on the upper level breezeways between Vann and Stringfield dorms with buckets of hot water to pour on other students when they passed beneath. The water fights also included a game of "capture the dinner bell" with water guns and the old, large dinner bell that used to sit next to the Belk dining hall. In the 70's and 80's, efforts were made to clean up Cornhuskin', and new guidelines were set in place to prevent property and physical damage. Since that time, only carefully monitored hall raids have been allowed.

Not all the Cornhuskin' traditions were violent. Less controversial were the themes around which the classes and faculty chose to center their activities. 1957 was the first year that a theme was used by the sophomore class, an idea so popular that following year every class had one. The Bathtub Ring, a student singing group, entertained while the judges deliberated. For many years a staff member concluded the celebration with a rendition of "How Great Thou Art." Traditionally, selected faculty members have participated in all events, although they eventually stopped performing skits. It was not until the 50th anniversary of Cornhuskin' that it was moved from Thursday night to Friday night. The students were concerned that the switch would discourage participation, but the administration pointed out that it would allow alumnae to return for the anniversary celebration. In recent years, the event has been moved to Saturday night.

Although many details about Cornhuskin' have changed, the spirit of the tradition remains strong. Cornhuskin' events and class themes reflect the changing culture inside and outside the Meredith campus. For decades this Meredith tradition has offered a creative outlet for students to express themselves, and strengthen the bonds between the members of each class.

Cornhuskin' Terminology

Cornhuskin’ Opening Parade: Parade through the center of campus or in a highly visible public area like the courtyard or Jones Auditorium that includes representatives of each class and highlights the year’s theme. The parade has grown in size throughout the years and now includes candy tossed into the onlooking crowds, which delights children and sweet-toothed faculty alike.

Chicken and Hog-callin’*: Early Cornhuskin’ events where participants tested their ability to coax and cajole farm animals. In recent years, hog-callin’ consists of a judged short skit and dance performed by each class.

Cow-milkin’*: Students had to create their own cow.

Hillbilly Couples*: Students in the past dressed in overalls, calico and pigtails to be judged for best “hillbilly attire.”

Sing-Song Contest: Winning song judged on “pure corn” or comic value rather than musical merit. This has evolved into the class song competition.

Folk Dances*: Originally one of the first evening activities; square dancing was a favorite for “hillbilly couples.”

Corn-shuckin’*: Two contestants, one coach and one shucker, from each class and faculty compete to see who can shuck a bushel of corn the fastest.

Doughnut Contest*: Doughnuts were suspended from a string and eaten using only the participant’s mouth.

Apple bobbing*: A traditional class competition that requires the capture of apples from tubs of water without the use of hands.

Tall Tales: Embellished stories that relate to the class theme and are judged on both originality and humor.

Word Parade: A costume or sign representation of approximately 20 words spoken in the class skits. Students don the costumes or carry the signs and move across the stage during the skit when that word is spoken.

Skits: Performances based on the class theme with props, costumes, songs and narratives.

Scavenger Hunt*: Each class hides an object that represents their theme and other classes must find the objects to discover the opposing classes’ theme. This takes place after the bonfire.

Big and Lil’ Sis Songs: Serenades that happen throughout the week and the night of Cornhuskin’. These serenades promote class spirit and bonding between big and lil’ sis classes. Class Song: Lyrics reflecting the Meredith experience are applied to the tune of a popular song.

Class Package: Packages distributed throughout the classes full of class spirit to display throughout the event. These can include t-shirts, koozies, light-up toys, and the class sweatshirt.

Can Art: Huge murals created by each class in the courtyard using aluminum drinking cans that are recycled after the event. All proceeds from recycling are donated to charity.

“Midnight” or Hall Raids*: Darkly-clad students making boisterous noises in residence halls. Hall raids no longer involve the water throwing and mayhem of earlier decades, but modern classes still enjoy the tradition with the same spunk and vitality of their predecessors.

Victory Pumpkin*: In 1975 the first “Great Pumpkin” was awarded to the winning class.

Pancake Breakfast* and Picnic Supper: Meals that precede and follow Cornhuskin’ activities. The Picnic Supper has evolved to the Corn Afterparty in Belk Dining Hall.

Tunnel Painting: Tunnel painting has become a Cornhuskin’ tradition of the senior class. It encourages class unity and senior spirit. The seniors paint the tunnel with class themes and mottos that are representative of their four years at Meredith College.

*Discontinued Event