Use this box to search WorldCat for books in the Meredith library.
Finding Books
To find books at Meredith, select the tab Books & More on the Library website and try searching keywords related to your topic.
To browse the stacks for books related to child development, go to the following call numbers:
155.4 Child psychology
305 Children in social groups
306.8 Marriage and family
370-373 Education
649 Raising children
Books from Other Libraries
Search in WorldCat to find books at libraries around the world, and request them via Interlibrary Loan.
Ebook Central
Ebook Central contains over 200,000 e-books, most of which are scholarly. You can read books online, print or download individual chapters, and save e-books to a personal bookshelf.
Keyword Tips
To find more resources try searching using the following keywords: