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Public Health

Citing Sources

Consult with your professor to determine which style you should use for any paper or project. These print and online style guides give examples of citing sources in the text, bibliography or reference list of your paper. For help, ask for assistance at the Meredith College Learning Center.


ACS (American Chemical Society)

AMA (American Medical Association) or NLM (National LIbrary of Medicine)

CSE (Council of Science Editors)

APA (American Psychological Association)

MLA (Modern Language Association)

CMS (Chicago Manual of Style)

NARA (National archives of the United States

  • NARA - An eBook: Citing Records in the National Archives of the United States

Additional Citation and Style Resources

  • Citing References Maintained by EBSCO. Citation examples for document types found in EBSCO databases. Covers APA, MLA, CMS, AMA and others.