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Zotero Guide

How to Organize References

You may choose to organize your citations into one or more collections.  Collections can keep your citations organized according to topic, material type, pro/con, empirical/theoretical, assignment, or some other dimension. These collections appear in the left window in Zotero, and work similarly to file directories/trees. 

  1. In the File menu, choose New Collection.
  2. Name the collection and press OK.
  3. Click on My Library in the left window.  This shows all the citations that you have gathered.
  4. Click and drag citations from the list in the middle window to the desired collection folder.

When you add an item from the web using the Zotero Connector, you can select which collection the item is added to by clicking the drop-down menu in the grey box that appears in the top right corner of your screen.

You can create sub-collections within collections if you wish.  Note that you can file a particular citation in more than one collection, and all citations will remain accessible by clicking on My Library.