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Universities Studying Slavery: Meredith College

In 2020, Meredith College launched a college-wide anti-racism initiative.  This initiative is on-going and includes all members of the Meredith community.  Meredith College works to foster a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment, while highlighting the importance of understanding the college's history.   To better facilitate this process, Meredith College joined Universities Studying Slavery (U.S.S.) in June 2020. 

U.S.S. is a consortium of institutions collaborating and sharing guidelines and best practices for researching institutional histories, the impact of slavery and issues of racism. More on Universities Studying Slavery

Meredith's Current U.S.S. team members are:

Sarah Roth, Dean of the School of Arts and Humanities

Daniel Fountain, Professor of History

Angela Robbins, Associate Professor of History

Janice Sniker, Archives and Collections Management Associate

Carrie Nichols, Interim Co-Dean, Library and Information Services and Head of Technical Services 

Morgan Johnson, Research and Instruction Librarian

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