While perhaps not one of the more obvious traditions at Meredith College, the practice of cheers, yells and songs erupting on campus appears to be a long-standing one. The campus may have been a noisier place in the past.
For the first 10 years or so of the college's existence - before the modern day idea of cheerleaders - clubs, classes and teams published their calls, yells and songs in the yearbook - and presumably called, yelled and sung their favorites. Some of these are reproduced in a photo collages below.
In the monthly Acorn literary magazine, which also served as a sort of newsletter for campus events, there are occasional descriptions of times when such calling was deemed appropriate. For example, during a multi-vehicle senior excursion to Wake Forest College in 1910:
Every one was thoroughly alive with anticipation and the drive over... was glorious. When in the distance faint lights began to glimmer a deafening yell for Wake Forest rang out through the crisp night air, and was kept up until we reached our destination....
And in April 1911, a writer for the Acorn reported in "Athletic Notes" that the interclass basketball games had begun. During the Freshman/Junior match, the Freshmen - nicknamed the "Black and Gold," cheered "Ray! Ray! Bully for the Freshmen! Ray!" while the ultimately triumphant Juniors (Red and White) responded with their "yell":
Boomelacka! Boomelacka!
Chickelacka! Chickelacka!
Chow! Chow Chow!
Boomelacka! Chickelacka!
Who are we?
Juniors, Juniors,
Don't you see?
According to A History of Meredith College, in 1919 the young women petitioned the faculty for permission to respond with their own yells when the students came from Wake Forest and NC State to serenade them while painting the sophomore class numbers on the sidewalk. Mary Lynch Johnson continues that "the faculty had gravely responded that if the students made a 'musical yell' which met with approval , it could be used in response to serenaders as well as at ball games."
In the Twig, which began weekly publication in 1921, reports of of "yells" and "cheers" were reported as a regular part of meetings, celebrations, games and day-to-day hi-jinx.
For example, in September, 1923, the students were surprised by the administration with an outing to the site of the new campus on the outskirts of Raleigh. So, there were
frank expression(s) of the holiday spirit as the girls piled into the waiting trucks at two-thirty. The residents of Edenton and Hillsboro streets were soon aware that Meredith was out for a good time, if songs and yells and happy faces are capable of creating such an impression.
In October, 1923, it was the men from N.C.S.U. that provoked the hullabaloo. Students from State apparently made it a practice to make the trek downtown to "serenade" the Meredith students after a winning football game. According to The Twig, on Saturday the 13th:
After dinner...a horizon colored almost entirely of red... appeared. After such anxious waiting, a man-filled campus dazzled our eyes... after about three of their shrill shoutings the assistant cheer leaders had well established their foothold and each succeeding yell to "team," State," and "Meredith" was enthusiastically answered with fifteen rahs! An "um-pah!" or an "ip-skid-i-ik-i rah!"
In return, the women of Meredith greeted the men of State when they arrived to paint the Sophomore class numbers on the street near the campus - their "established tradition." The unknown writer for The Twig explains that the
Meredith Sophs always get inside information as to when the painting is to occur and they're always ready with yells and songs for the boys... the girls yelled for the boys and the boys for the girls. Sophomore songs rang across the campus.
In the twenties, cheers linked solely to clubs and classes disappeared from the Oak Leaves. But beginning in 1924, photos of the Athletic Association's official cheerleaders in matching sweaters and skirts and in action poses appeared in the yearbooks, possibly in response to the acceptance of women cheerleaders nationally. Alongside were often included the popular calls, yells and cheers that were used that year, some of which were credited to the students themselves. As explained later in the 1940 Oak Leaves, "A college cheerleader, aided by cheerleaders from each class, directs all group singing, which includes step-singing and Christmas caroling, and leads the cheering section at intermural games." This tradition of student-led singing continued for decades and still appears today at special events.
During these early decades, Meredith College athletes were still a long way from competing with other schools, but college and student affiliations promoted creativity, interclass rivalries were playfully fierce, and group singing was taken seriously.
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Meredith College
3800 Hillsborough St.
Raleigh, NC 27607