For a number of years, students from North Caolina State and Wake Forest painted the the Sophomore class numbers on campus. According to a 1923 article in the Twig, the practice by sophomores from N.C. State was already an "established tradition" while the campus was located downtown. The unknown writer explains that the "Meredith Sophs always get inside information as to when the painting is to occur and they're always ready with yells and songs for the boys." This particular year, the N.C. State sophomore men painted the "25" on Edenton Street, near Blount St. - even enlisting President Charles Brewer to guard the wet pain until it dried. Meanwhile, the "girls yelled for the boys and the boys for the girls. Sophomore songs rang across the campus."
In late 1925, Meredith College moved. Since the city's water supply system did not have enough pressure to supply the new campus on the outskirts of town, the college built its own water tower behind the dining hall - and this imposing and tall structure became the object of the neighboring schools' attention.
Shortly thereafter, according to a 1949 Twig article looking back on the event, Wake Forest "stole the march" on NCSU and painted the water tower with the numbers of the Sophomore Class - although according to President Charles Brewer, the State men had already asked permission (and had apparently received it.) So there was a compromise, with two sets of numbers, one in red and white, the other in gold and black, one on either side.
Since it appears that the painting tradition pre-existed the water tower, perhaps this article is reporting on a new competition between State and Wake Forest. A 1952 Twig newspaper article dated the event from 1932, "advertis(ing) to the general public which neighboring boy's college is presently interested in the angels of Angel Farm." The writer opined that the graffiti had continued as it was a "flattering and beautifying custom." In 1934, painting the tower was explicitly linked again with “Soph Day Off” during which the Wake Forest or State men painted the sophomore’s class year numbers, after which they attended an evening party hosted by the sophomore class.
Thereafter college men in competition with their rivals painted the water tower annually with class numbers, with nearby school names or with the nickname, “Angel Farm.”
There were other traditions associated with the water tower: while The Twig discreetly does not reveal the year, a 1937 review of the Crook Hunt tradition printed in the newspaper reveals that it was the hiding place of choice for at least one class - a likely reason for the increasing number of rules regarding this hide and seek tradition.
During the early 1950s’, Phyllis Cunningham, the apparently game instructor in the Department of Physical Education, would climb the tower as part of Astro’s and Phi’s “Decision Day” celebrations to the astonishment and delight of the students.
After a new water tank was installed "on the other side of the fairgrounds," the campus water tower was taken down in February 1963. The loss of the tower removed a familiar, if not necessarily loved, landmark from campus.
Carlyle Campbell Library
Meredith College
3800 Hillsborough St.
Raleigh, NC 27607