1911 Beginning of Y.W.C.A. "Y-store" kept in a 2 x 4’ box. (Responsibility changed to Baptist Student Union and was renamed “B-Hive” in 1927.)
1913 Elocution as study abolished
1913 Establishment of the Domestic Science Department.
1913 Crook abolished for safety reasons.
1913 The Athletic Association begins to confer “Monograms,” to recognize the “ability to play a clean, straight game of basketball or tennis.”
1914 Introduction of a two-year “junior diploma”
1915 First Stunt – sponsored by the Athletic Association.
1916 First Bachelor of Science degree awarded.
1917 Last Academy students graduate, ending primary and secondary education at Meredith College.
1918 First women elected to Board of Trustees, as requested by Alumnae Association: Mrs. Margaret Shields Everett (Class of 1902) and Miss Bertha Carroll (later Hoyle) (Class of 1913.)
1918 188 students (and at least one instructor) sign a petition to be presented to the North Carolina senators in support of the "Federal Suffrage Amendment."
1919 First Meredith Glee Club
1919 Influenza outbreak
1919 Big Sis/ Little Sis class relationships established.
1919 Telephone privileges extended to all students - not just seniors.
1919 “Them Bones,” “Dem Bones, “Bones” adopted as Odd Classes song