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Photos through the Decades at Meredith College: 1930s

In the Meredith College archives are literally hundreds of photos. With them, we can see both what students over the decades have in common, and how things have changed.


Two students, each with an ice cream cone, sit on a bench somewhere on campus. Other students sit or walk in the background.

Campus view -- with ice cream. This appears to be on the north side of campus, behind the two classroom buildings and near the Beehive. (Oak Leaves, 1930)


Four dancers leap in unison during an outdoor performance.

Dancers perform outdoors.

A student stands next to the smaller of two bells outside the dinining hall.

There once were bells outside the dining hall to call students to meals -  and there were also complaints about them in the newspaper.

Four field hockey players in uniform and with hockey sticks compete for the hockey ball.

Field hockey players compete for the hockey ball. 

 According to the 1940 Oak Leaves, "A college cheerleader, aided by cheerleaders from each class, directs all group singing, which includes step-singing and Christmas caroling, and leads the cheering section at intermural games."

This photo is from the 1931 yearbook. 

A page of photos from the yearbook with 5 casual photos of students in the snow. on campus.

"Snow Scenes" (Oak Leaves, 1931)

A blue beanie with an upturned brim on which is appliqued a

A one-year trend in 1933 was the freshmen beanie. 

Fout photos from May Day 1934: the May Queen and her attendants; a dance performance by

Photos of the 1934 May Court, dance performances by tin soldiers and fairies, and the winding of the May Pole. May Dance celebrations became elaborate once the campus moved to the relatively spacious campus on the outskirts of town. 

Henrietta Castlebury poses at a bus door.

Henrietta Castlebury  was voted the "Best All-Round Town Student" in 1936. She is wearing her junior class jacket. 

A student reads on her dorm room bed.

Studying in a dorm room, 1938.

The 17 members of  Student League of Women Voters pose for the yearbook.

The Student League of Women Voters (Oak Leaves, 1939)

Students seated at tables in the Johnson Hall library. Behind them are the doors looking  down the campus driveway.

Students in the 2nd floor library in Johnson Hall (Oak Leaves, 1939.)

On the Timeline....

1930     Meredith League of Women voters organized in Spring.

1930     Granddaughter’s Club formed as “active group.” 

1930    Dorms "A," "B," "C", and "D" are renamed "Jones Hall," "Faircloth Hall," "Vann Hall" and "Stringfield Hall." (Jones would re-renamed "Brewer Hall."

1932     Green stockings worn for first time by “Even” class for “Soph Day Off.” 

1935     First Palio festival.

1936     Presentation of first class doll to the Alumnae Association.

1935     Silver Shield formed.