1941 First Play Day
1941 Two-week quarantine (October-November) as a result of one student contracting meningitis.
1942 “The Hut” built with student funds. The log building is used for various student meetings and events.
1942 Establishment of a music library.
1942 First summer school session on Meredith College campus.
1942 Placement of historical marker on Hillsborough St.
1945 First Corn Huskin’ Bee (Name changed to Cornhuskin’ in 1961.)
1945 A student brings her personal horse to campus, traditionally said to be the start of the Equitation program on campus.
1945 U.S.S. Meredith Victory commissioned. Named to honor War Loan Drive donations by students and staff.
1947 Honor Code adopted.
1949 Jones Auditorium dedicated as first new building since the Hillsborough Street campus was created in 1926.
1949 First annual horse show.
1949 Outdoor swimming pool opens.