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Buildings History

McIver Amphitheater

The Elva Bryan McIver Amphitheater is located at the front of campus in a wooded area across from Jones Hall and Wainwright Music Building. This venue has been used for many a Meredith tradition including Cornhuskin’, Class Day, and the Honor Code Ceremony.


As far back as 1922, when the decision was made by the Board of Trustees to relocate the Meredith College campus to the Tucker farm, planners noted the existence of a “large spring and natural depression which can be formed into an artificial lake or swimming pool” - and there was some discussion about doing just that. But it was not until the bequests from the will of Elva Bryan McIver (1875-1959) were available that plans were set in motion for the creation of a man-made lake and 1500-seat amphitheater. Mrs. McIver had made provisions for her own Alma Mater, UNCG;  for her Presbyterian church;  and for medical school scholarships at UNC-CH. But in addition, her interest in higher education for women, in combination with the memory of her "staunch Baptist" father, led to a bequest to Meredith College. 

While the project was Initially conceived of simply a lake, the plans sketched out by landscape architect Richard Bell added an amphitheater to a natural slope, and then later, while under construction, to two islands carved out of higher ground and reinforced with concrete pilings. Bridges, walkways, lights and landscape plants only added to the charm and usefulness of the place. 

First used for Class Day in 1964, the McIver Amphitheater has since been used for numerous special events including Dr. Heilman's inauguration as college president, Jimmy Carter’s 1986 Lillian Parker Wallace Lecture, area churches’ Easter services, concerts and Class Day / graduation ceremonies from 1968 to 2013. The lake is a valuable on-campus resource of students conducting scientific research. Students also come to the amphitheater to study and relax with friends. 

Periodically, Meredith Lake has experienced problems with drainage and with structural problems.. In March 2017, the lake was drained because of the erosion of the pipes and plumbing. Fortunately, timely gifts by alumnae during the Meredith Mayhem fundraising competition allowed the start of repair work in January 2021. Excavation around the islands permitted the addition of 1500 tons of footing stone and the addition of an interlocking retaining wall. The height and width of the dam was increased to meet 100-year storm calculations. Finally, a bridge was constructed connecting the small island. A celebratory re-opening in October allowed donors to see the improvements in person. This beloved campus feature will remain an important Meredith College landmark.. 


A view of the bridge on Lake Meredith covered in snow.

Lake Meredith in the snow

A view of the bridge on Lake Meredith covered in snow. 

President Jo Allen, lake reopening celebration, October 2021, photo

Lake celebration, October 2021

In October 2021 President Jo Allen celebrates the lake's reopening after nearly a year of restoration work.  

Restored Meredith Lake, October 2021, Photo

Restored Meredith Lake, October 2021

The restoration work on Lake Meredith was completed in September 2021.

A photo of the amphitheater during Class Day in 2004.

Class Day, 2004

On the 40th anniversary of its first use, the amphitheater hosts the Class of 2004.

A view of the green grass surrounding the amphitheater.

Summer view

 A view of the green grass surrounding the amphitheater. The lake and amphitheater are often used on materials promoting Meredith College.

A photo of the lake during springtime.

Spring near Lake Meredith

In 1985, Richard C Bell Associates received the Award for Excellence from the North Carolina Chapter  American Society of Landscape Architects for the design of the Meredith College Lake and Amphitheater. 

A photo looking over the bridge covered in snow.

Snow blankets the lake

A photo of students ice skating on the lake in 1984.

Ice skating on the lake in 1984

A student sits in the gazebo while snow is on the ground.

Student in the Gazebo

A student enjoys sitting in the quiet gazebo, looking out at the lake surrounded by snow. 

A photo of the Spring Day celebration in the amphitheater.

Spring Day - formerly know as May Day - celebration in the amphitheater.

A photo of students gathering on the lakeside.

Classes and organizations use the lakeside for gatherings.

A student sits on the steps of the amphitheater and paints.

Student painting at the amphitheater

A student sits on the steps of the amphitheater and paints. Students use the quiet of the amphitheater for both academic and personal activities.

A photo of students examining the future site of Lake Meredith.

Students at the site of the future Lake Meredith

Three students, Clarene Roberson, Carolyn Norwood, and Bonita Bailey examine the site of future Lake Meredith. 

A photo of the first Daisy Chain numbers in the amphitheater, 1964

The First Class Day in the Amphitheater, 1964

Students stand with their arms linked to form the numerals 64.

A student sits on the steps of the amphitheater to study.

Studying in the amphitheater

A student sits on the steps of the amphitheater and studies. 

A photo of students feeding ducks on Lake Meredith.

Feeding the ducks

Students take a break and feed ducks on Lake Meredith. 

A photo of students canoeing near the bridge and island on the lake.

Students canoe near the bridge on Lake Meredith

A photo of students canoeing on Lake Meredith.

Students canoe on the lake

Students enjoy canoeing on the lake. The Ellen Amanda Rumley Gazebo can be seen in the background. 

A photo of the gazebo, contributed in memory of Ellen Amanda Rumley.

Ellen Amanda Rumley Gazebo

In memory of their daughter, the parents of Ellen Amanda Rumley, contributed to the Class of 1977's gift to the school. a gazebo on the edge of Lake Meredith. 

A photo of a student standing on the bridge looking out at the lake.

Student observes the lake

While the lake and amphitheater was conceived, designed, funded and constructed within eighth months, brick walks and landscaping details were put in place over the next ten years. 

A photo of workers putting the finishing touches on the larger island in Meredith Lake.

Workers put finishing touches on the larger island.

A view from behind the bridge looking towards workers who are putting finishing touches on the larger island on Lake Meredith. 

A photo looking over the construction site of Lake Meredith.

The lake and amphitheater under construction

A photof of the lake and amphitheater under construction.

The lake and amphitheater under construction

A photo looking over the construction of the lake and amphitheater.

The lake and amphitheater under construction