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Friends of the Carlyle Campbell Library: Fall 2012 Dinner

Spong's Publications

Fall Dinner Meeting

When:  October 30, 2012, 6:30pm

Where: Belk Dining Hall, West side

Who:  Bishop John Shelby Spong

We had a wonderful evening with Bishop Spong. He was kind enough to allow us to film his presentation.


One of the definitive voices for progressive Christianity, Episcopal Bishop John Shelby Spong will be our featured speaker at the fall dinner meeting. Spong is a North Carolina native, a UNC-Chapel Hill graduate who served as an Episcopal minister in Raleigh. He is a prolific writer and speaker famous for his controversial views. His latest book is Re-Claiming the Bible for a Non-Religious World.

Learn more about Bishop Spong from these websites:

Spong's Publications