When: March 14, 2013, 6:30pm
Where: Belk Dining Hall, West side
Who: Dr. William S. Price, Jr.
We enjoyed a moving description of Reynolds Price's experiences from his memoir and Bill's last days with his brother.
William S. Price, Jr., Friends Board member and retired Meredith faculty member, will talk with us about Reynolds Price, his brother, and the memoir, Midstream: An unfinished memoir.
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Constitutional amendment proposal
Revise Article IV--Officers to delete reference to the office of treasurer:
The officers of this association shall be a president, a first vice-president, a second vice- president, a secretary, and the Dean of the Meredith Library ex officio, and a treasurer ex officio who shall be the chief financial officer of Meredith College. The elected officers shall be elected by a majority of those present and voting at the annual meeting. There shall also be an executive committee, which shall consist of the president, immediate past president, the vice-presidents, the secretary, the Dean of the Meredith library ex officio, the treasurer ex officio, and three members elected by a majority of those present and voting at the annual meeting. This committee shall manage the affairs of the association in the interval between annual meetings. Officers shall be eligible for election to no more than two consecutive annual terms of the same office.
At the request of Meredith's Vice President for Business and Finance, Craig Barfield, the Friends Board recommends discontinuing the practice of appointing the College's Chief Financial Officer to the Board as Treasurer. After discussing the request, the Board agreed and determined that there was no need to have a treasurer. The Dean of the Meredith Library manages the Friends budget and advises the board of the status of their funds.
Bylaws Amendment Proposal: add family membership categories
Membership meeting business agenda: